Blakehurst Public School

A caring community school: safe respectful resilient engaged

Telephone02 9546 1555

Parents and community

Blakehurst Public School has an active and supportive school community. Our parents and citizens association (P&C) committee usually meets twice each term on the last Thursday of each month, commencing in February.

Membership is open to any parent or community member of the school.

Sub committees of the P&C include:

  • Canteen committee (the canteen operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • Uniform committee (The uniform shop is open Friday afternoon 3.15pm - 3.45pm)
  • Fundraising committee (Events include Easter guessing competitions, special food days, Mother's Day, Father's Day and the huge family fun night in November)

If you would like to be involved in any of our P&C activities, please come along to a P&C meeting or contact our school office for further details.

Canteen volunteers required - if you are able to help out please fill out the Canteen volunteers form and return it to the office: